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VBN0444     14th February 2016

Sire:  VBN0190    Dam: VBN0304

Dexter has been our stock ram since 2018.  He was an orphan bottle feeder when we got him at 4 weeks old and is an absolute saint.

He adores attention, so much so you can shear him without any restraint - he actually enjoys it!


We have had many beautiful lambs from Dexter and we hope to continue to use him for many years to come


VBN0550      20th April 2016

Sire:  VBN0103    Dam: VBN0043

Darcy is our newest addition to the flock and will be used across most of our Valais ewes next year.  He is a proven ram, originally from the renown Prendwick flock and we are very excited to see the lambs he produces.


Previously he has produces some very rare 'Spitti' lambs (black or splodgy) so it makes him even more special



VBN3747      6th April 2020

Sire: VBN0297     Dam: VBN0346

Boris (as he is known at home) is a lovely young ram lamb who we hope will become a stock ram in the future.  All the way from Aberdeen in Scotland,  he is a very sweet boy who is always up for a sctrach


VBN0576      12th May 2016

Castrated Ram

Drake was another ET lamb,  we brought him at a sale and he has grown up to become Dexters best friend.  His surrogate mother developed mastitus so he was bottle fed from a young age.  He has a vital job as a companion to the Dexter when he is not working and also as a buddy to the ram lambs when they are weaned.


He was born with a large black spot over his shoulder but this has since grown out to become all white.  A lovely affectionate boy.


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